‘Keep Left, and Stay in the Right Lane’ : Fall Road Trip Ironies and Adventures

I-75 in Atlanta

The preeminent philosophical question goes something like this: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Today I present to you a corollary: “If a family reunion takes place but there are no pictures to document it, did it actually happen?”

Such is the case with my recent trip to see family in Michigan. We had such a good time that it never once occurred to any of us to snap a picture. Paul McCartney, who I’ve read no longer poses for selfies, I suspect would be most proud of us. Over the course of three separate days with my family — a cousin and his wife; a sister and brother-in-law who live in the western part of the state but traveled to join us; and my host Ann Arbor-based sister, who to her surprise is now the family matriarch — none of us had the wherewithal to remember to take a picture.

In fact, now that I think about it, I do recall Sir Paul joining us too. Recollections may vary.

We laughed, we commiserated, we gossiped, we spoke of bodies which no longer function as we’d like– often in fact. I just have no visual proof that any of this happened. Does it matter? Well, yes actually with my family anyway because we still have arguments about who skipped out on weddings and funerals from 30 years ago. So it would have been nice if someone (read: me) might have have thought of it.

Gorgeous fared much better. She has definitive proof that she did indeed met up with her own friends and family.

Gorgeous and sister
Gorgeous and friend

In all we spent 11 days on the road. Your humble blogger absolutely loves long car trips, his lovely wife not so much. But fortunately she does enjoy the stops and destinations. As always, there were a myriad of comical moments while driving. Such as with our GPS, which offers confusing directions like keeping to the left while at the same time admonishing to stay in the right lane. Ditto with billboards so awful that one can’t help but still admire their idiocy and audaciousness. We happened upon the one below after crossing the Indiana border. We came upon it too quickly to snap a picture, but I just knew that I’d find it in a Google search later that evening. And sure enough….

Oh, Clarksville. Keep looking and don’t give up hope.
Source: Leo Weekly

Speaking of the GPS, by now we’re all used to having some kind of electronic directional aid. I decided for this trip that I wanted to also go slightly nostalgic, and so I ordered from AAA one of their classic TripTiks. A folly if you will. I thought it might be fun to flip through each page and follow the route.

AAA makes it easy to order one on their member website by asking you to plug in your journey including overnight stops, which they’re happy to decide on your behalf or you can choose your own (I chose my own). After ordering it arrives via snail mail in about ten days. Presto chango, neato burrito! Except sadly, it’s no longer your father’s TipTik. AAA has changed the format from the previous easy flip-book with the simple highlighted route, to a spiral notebook chock full of Internet maps and dense turn-by-turn directions that go on for pages. Where one used to merely glance at it for quick guidance, it’s now something akin to an epic James Joyce-like travel guide. I ended up never using it.

On the other hand, I did enjoy listening to the nearly 3000 songs on my phone through the car’s sound system. I can remember my dad on road trips only ever wanting to listen to either news stations or Arthur Godfrey’s radio show. Gorgeous and I have vastly different music preferences, however. A stoic trooper, she only ever complained when a Paul McCartney song played. Ironic, given his later appearance at my sister’s home and all.

Our first major stop to see family was Chicago, where Gorgeous’ favorite daughter and boyfriend live (full disclosure: she only has one child). We spent two days there. We had a fabulous meal at Volare Ristorante in downtown, and also at George’s Deep Dish Pizza in the Edgewater neighborhood.

And of course, there just happen to be pictures to document. I smell a conspiracy.

Favorite daughter took us to her workplace at the Chicago Botanical Garden, where she introduced us to some of her colleagues and proudly showed us off. Well, to be clear she proudly showed off her workplace, which is indeed a beautiful and scenic spot. Highly recommended if you’re ever visiting Chicago. On the day that we were there, they had a pumpkin pie making demonstration. Pumpkins grow in gardens after all, so it all seemed perfectly appropriate to this dessert-eating boy. .

On our way home, we stopped in Nashville for an overnight visit designed to cram in as much as logistically possible. The wonderful D at one of my part-time job accounts is a native of Nashville, and she offered suggestions ahead of time that we never came close to fulfilling. But I still have her list and we’ll tackle it all again someday (thanks, D!). We did manage to visit tourist meccas such as the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Ryman Auditorium, Broadway Street, and The Parthenon. A few small trinkets may have been purchased; one of us was a little more aggressive in the pursuit than the other.

If there was any disappointment in the trip, and this can’t be helped regardless, but it was that we had the misfortune of driving through Atlanta both times during their evening rush hour. I know of big city traffic only too well: DC and its infamous Capital Beltway, New York with the LIE and Belt Parkway, and LA’s I-5 and 405. But good lord, Atlanta, you managed to take the cake. 🎂

We had a great time and our wallets are still recovering. But a subtle reminder if you’re planning on a family reunion: don’t forget to snap pictures!

Blogger’s note: I’ve been MIA for the last many weeks, especially so in the important duty of supporting the work of fellow bloggers by reading and commenting on their great posts. I’ll rear my online head again more towards Thanksgiving.

Until next time…

41 thoughts on “‘Keep Left, and Stay in the Right Lane’ : Fall Road Trip Ironies and Adventures

  1. I am a big fan of road trips too… except for rush hour traffic. It’s hard to believe that Atlanta’s congestion beats L.A., but I will do my best not to ever test that conjection myself.

    It’s hard to believe that you have no pictures from your family reunion but fortunately you took others along the way. It looks like you had a great time.

    I was happy to see this post in my inbox and I look forward to seeing you more around these parts. Btw, Gorgeous’s hair looks gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll let her know you like it, Janis. Thanks! Bad traffic is hard to really compare once you get down to it. But I just recall L.A.’s clearing up once you either got into OC going south, or by Burbank when you were headed north. Atlanta, though, just seemingly continued well into the outer burbs. It could have been two really bad days, but I’m going to try and avoid it next time if possible.


  2. Atlanta is the worst…and 99.9% unavoidable when traveling many places in the South and/or en route to getting out of the South!
    Anyway, just to let you know, I’ve been coming away without photos of memorable events, too. Not sure why that is, but I like your spin on how it affects memory – ie Paul’s attendance at your family reunion. I’m impressed!
    Oh and, I’m thinking you included the Don Fart…oops Fon Dart…trucking service because it’s just that sort of oops that makes road trips that much more fun!
    Keep on truckin’…glad you surfaced, Marty.

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  3. First some comments — Gorgeous’s hair, wow. That took courage but she can carry it off. Next her daughter looks like her and is…wait for it…Gorgeous! Paul McCartney and not a pic? Aww Marty! No one will believe you! Good to hear from you as the rumors of your demise seem to have been exaggerated!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Marty! No pictures? You know what they say in EMS. If you don’t write it down…it didn’t happen. If you didn’t take pictures…you weren’t there. LOL.
    As for GPS…I had one of the original Tom Tom’s. Actually, I still have it. I remember Greg (my name for him…a British chap) telling me to get in the far left lane. Now this is in Florida on the pike…four lanes wide…so I weave my way over there, and then the idiot says “right turn ahead.” I’d weave my way back over to the right, dodging semis, people driving 20 miles an hour, and those pesky drivers who had just figured out how to drive that day. Anyway after my battle, Greg is yelling “right turn!” I was in the middle of a bridge…hmmm.
    So glad y’all had a good trip.
    I no likey likey road trips…did my fair share when the children had to travel for soccer. And I DO remember having to go to Atlanta! Just kill me now.

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    1. Kill me now is apt, Laurel. I didn’t even get into the many near misses we had as we snaked around Atlanta! I know, I know, I’m still kicking myself about no pictures of my sibs and me DUMB!

      I hear ya about those GPS commands. I love that you named yours. 😆

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  5. Despite the traffic I like road trips more now than I did as a younger person. I like your photos, too. Everyone looks happy and relaxed.

    Your title reminds me of visiting my aunt in MA when I was a girl. There was a traffic sign in her small town that said: “to turn left, go right.” It made no sense until you experienced the intersection. Taught me that sometimes absurdity is the truth.

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  6. Well, at least now we know where you’ve been – on the road. 🙂 Sounds like you had a great trip, and the photos you took are good ones plus it allowed all us women to envy Gorgeous’ hair and cut. It’s beautiful. There are always interesting turns with GPS, and we’ve all been there. 3,000 songs? One word – WOW. Glad you’re back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Only after I finished the post did I see other photos, not of my family unfortunately, but of places we visited and characters we came upon. Oh well, can’t put in everything! She’s grateful for your compliment, Judy. It was definitely a dramatic move on her part, but I think she’s enjoying the light maintenance. 😃.

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  7. I just spent the day minding my grandchildren. I took no photos. Poor are those two active little darlings, so I had not spare time *at all*. It was great, even though I now have some sort of lurgy…

    Good to see you back Marty, and I’m adding my voice to the chorus of “fab hair Gorgeous!”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Marty,
    It sounds like a great trip, even though you had to deal with some rush hours traffic.
    Smart one, that Gorgeous! Always remembering to take pictures, of her family and friends. Yes, I am with you – I smell conspiracy too! Was she mad that Paul McCartney didn’t make an appearance at the favorite daughter’s house? 😉
    Every time I return from seeing my family in Brazil, I promise myself to make sure to take pictures with the family next time… it hasn’t happened yet.
    Blessings to you both!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A very enjoyable read, Marty. Although what is up with Gorgeous complaining about a Paul McCartney song playing? Did she even comment about the Atlanta traffic? It just doesn’t seem right to me! In any case, I am glad you had a fun time, and you certainly had good advice for Clarksville!

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  10. So nice to see what you and Gorgeous have been up to, Marty. I immediately think, if you eat the tasty food before you think about taking a photo, the meal was extra good. I rest my case.

    I am happy to hear how overall the reunion was fun. How can Gorgeous become more Gorgeous?? My husband has been throwing this ‘Benjamin Button’ phrase around lately (for himself?? When he gets a compliment) Possibly Gorgeous is a ‘Bellissima Button.’ Yes, I made this up, Marty, in case you could not guess.😊

    Flash back on the Triptiks.

    Gorgeous favourite daughter (yes, we use the “u” Marty) does not fall far from the Gorgeous Tree!❤️ She is also creative, like her Mom. ❤️

    What a fun and interesting post and photos, Marty! Thank you for my smiles!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a great response, Erica. Winner!! And now you have also provided me with an earwig for the next eight hours or so: Bellissima Button. I plan on using it with impunity. 😉

      I noticed in my phone photos that I forgot a few things from the trip— not people unfortunately— but places and things. So I guess I can squeeze them in somehow in a future post. If there’s proof it must have happened!

      Your husband is my new verbal coinage source! 👍

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  11. We just got back from a trip to Texas to visit friends and family and have no evidence, except for some pictures of the beach in Galveston. We do have some nice memories though. I remember my Dad and his TripTiks. Iconic. My brother and I loved following along. However, my husband ordered one to drive across country a couple years ago and made the same observation you did. He didn’t use it. Nice to see an update from you. BTW, Gorgeous is rockin’ that short “do.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think there is something to be said for just enjoying the moment(s) and not forever snapping and clicking. I’ll hang my hat on that thought since there’s nothing I can do about it anyway. 😉 Yeah, I think they ruined the TripTik; a victim of internet stuffing when it wasn’t needed (I think I just made that term up!). I’ll just read Gorgeous your comment and she’s beaming! Thanks, Tracey.


  12. We’ve taken road trips the last two summers and they’ve been wonderful. I enjoy the scenery along the way as well as being able to stop if we see something interesting or even take a side trip. We drive through Atlanta to and from Florida as well, but have scheduled things so we’re there on Sunday mornings or Sunday evenings. Has worked very well for us. I will admit – I take a lot of pictures, especially as we’re driving. But of course, they’re never as good as the real thing.

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  13. It usually falls to me to take photos at family events, which is good because I’m rarely in them! 😀 We rarely had the radio/cassette tapes on in the car when I was a kid. Dad never had it on loud enough for us to hear in the back and would proclaim that it was loud enough already. It wasn’t until I got a walkman that I could listen to music in the car as a kid. 😀

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    1. Ha! The benefits of being the photographer. 😆 Cassettes in cars happened after I already started driving, which was probably for the best. I’m sure my dad would have lectured how they were an unnecessary expense, ugh!


  14. I think it’s great you had a whole family reunion without pictures. I remember plenty of gatherings without benefit of documentation, where everyone looked good and I never had a dumb expression on my face the entire time.
    I think it’s sad the AAA TripTick experiment went as it did. I’ve often wished my GPS would simply but a blue (or red) line along my route and let it go at that. What more do you need? I mean, if you’re smart enough to drive a car.
    Once I had to drive across L.A. I think the route took me on several freeways, maybe five. I drew a “cheat sheet” with a simplified chart (kind of like a triptick) and taped it to the middle console for handy reference. Made it OK, and it was during the “rush” hour. Only more like two.

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    1. Ah, those LA freeways. I lived for many years in the Central Valley and always struggled, pre-GPS, as I left the Grapevine on whether to take the 5 or the 405 as I made my way down towards Orange County. No matter what choice I made it never mattered: I still sat in gridlock! 😆. Your cheat sheet sounds good enough for me. Thanks for reading!

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