Neighborly Advice

I once had a professor who liked to joke about being grateful for his envious colleagues. He said that because of their own peculiar manners, they insured that no one one in close proximity could ever suffer from swollen head syndrome. He then explained how there was an unwritten custom in his department against anyone exhibiting the slightest outward display of pride or elation if one was fortunate enough … Continue reading Neighborly Advice

All Quiet on the Blogging Range

The no-spill laptop is repaired, but the blogging has been slowed by a nasty case of writer's block. Or maybe laziness. But I'm going with writer's block-- It sounds more intellectual. As I wait for irony, self-deprecation, and imbecile inspiration to again tap from my fingers, I notice that our favorite TV and film reviewer over at Just Me … Continue reading All Quiet on the Blogging Range