Candles, Flashlights and Pink Floyd: Hurricane Preparedness For Novices

Four days short of our one-year anniversary of retiring to Florida, we are getting to experience the first brush of what makes the residents here such hearty souls -- a possible hurricane scare. I say possible because no one actually knows what will happen.  Tropical Storm Erika has already been responsible for destructive flooding in Dominica with … Continue reading Candles, Flashlights and Pink Floyd: Hurricane Preparedness For Novices

The “Rice For The Children” Defense

The stock market is tanking. If I understand it correctly, the initial reason stems from China having devalued its currency. For most of the day yesterday, it looked as if there might be a "correction to the correction."  Or more aptly put from all I've read about the Chinese economy, "a correction to the corruption." Alas, a recovery was not meant … Continue reading The “Rice For The Children” Defense