42 thoughts on “On Medical Visits: My Dentist Forgot to Social Distance

  1. Excellent and hilarious post, Marty. I don’t usually read posts to my husband, but I kept laughing and it didn’t seem fair not to share! Very glad you’re taking things seriously and that you’re all set for 12 months. Keep writing! Btw, when is it that you’re going to start looking like Paul Newman?!

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  2. I have my annual check up next week. I’m curious what to expect. I have to wait in the car and call them to tell them I’m here. They will tell me what room to go to. This will be interesting. Anything that used to take 5 minutes now takes an hour. Glad you’re all healthy now!

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    1. Janis, I actually started feeling the sensitivity back around the first of the year. I babied it for weeks with occasional doses of ibuprofen, which settled it down each time. But when it finally decided to ignore my babying I knew I was in trouble! Get some sensitivity toothpaste and baby those gums for as long as you can. 😉

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    2. Case by case and I haven’t looked into your mouth and at your teeth……….we are friends, although we do have our boundaries. 🙂 Your comment made me wonder about the concept of grinding and clenching your teeth, especially during these trying times. If you have generally good teeth, grinding and clenching is often the culprit. You may have a mouth guard and stopped wearing it? Even just being conscious of finding yourself clenching throughout the day can make a difference. Then you can try to relax your jaw. You can look up a term called “abfraction” which often happens along the gum line, causing increased sensitivity. And, yes, like Marty says, sensitivity toothpaste. I use Sensodyne on purpose versus other toothpastes. (I do not make any $$ from the company) Too long a story for here. 🙂


  3. Actually, I kind of thought dentists would come by this new ‘normal’ more naturally as they have been using gloves, goggles and in some procedural cases even face shields for some time now.
    Not that that makes going to the dentist any easier pre, during or post COVID
    Very happy to hear you guys are still cooped up and going crazy otherwise! HA!

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  4. In late March, my husband and I were on day 18 of our own quarantine at home to be safe. (Arizona) Ken (Dear Husband) got a sudden large floater with strange “lights” in his eye.I am a retired Nurse.I know that can be.. just a floater..OR.. a detached retina! Can’t tell without an exam.We got him into our opthamologist who is much YOUNGER THAN US, and NO MASK– he got up close and personal to examine Ken,breathed in Ken’s face.. and determined just a large floater. I was VERY annoyed at no mask.Fast forward:LAST WEEK Ken got the SAME SYMPTOMS in the other eye.I called for the appt this time (Nurse Ratchett) and asked “Are your staff now wearing masks and providing social distancing?????? “Yes.” was the reply.He had to go in, and yes,everyone was on board this time.These are scary times. We’re trying to stay safe.I think the small medical offices are nw on board.. ..one can hope! Oh, it was also just a floater, not retinal problem.Yay. I rescheduled my own derm appt for July.

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    1. Scary times indeed, Madeline! By late March you would have figured the YOUNG ophthalmologist’s practice would have been more up with the distancing protocols. So glad Ken’s issue is only that floater and nothing more serious.

      Curiously, the one appointment we both still need to make is with a dermatologist. But (a) we only have one on paper, and (2) we’re both too skittish to call that hypothetical office to make an appointment. Eh, so what’s a little more sun exposure for a few more months? 🙄

      Many thanks for reading.


  5. The medical appointments seem to be all over the board. In April, my husband’s PC called and moved his April appointment to September. His orthopedic called and rescheduled this week while my opthalmologist has been missing in action except for renewing prescriptions. I’m curious, but not that curious to make an appointment, to see what the dental industry does because let’s face it, they looked like they were from Star Trek before this happened. Glad you are feeling better. Stay safe.

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    1. I think you’re right, Judy. Everything medical is in a state of flux right now. We both really need to see a dermatologist, but still haven’t made an appointment with one since we moved here. It remains very low on our list of priorities. At least your ophthalmologist is renewing prescriptions. You stay safe too.

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  6. Fortunately, my annual visits were just prior to all the shutdowns. I do have a chiropractor appointment next week that I’m pretty sure won’t be cancelled. She was very vigilant 8 weeks ago when I went so I feel confident it will be fine. I would love a haircut – 10 weeks for me – but I can handle a little more length without a problem.

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    1. Funny you should mention the chiropractor. I have one also, whom I see only a handful of times a year. I thought about his practice as I was writing this, since literally they have to have their hands on you all the time to give a treatment. For now, I don’t feel a need to see him. But I realize for some people it’s needed to ease constant pain. I feel for them for sure.

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      1. Yea, I could probably get by without going as well. But I do go regularly and it does seem to help with my vertigo, so I hate to miss it. Even if she tells me I’m fine, it’s worth going. She’s real picky in terms of scents and germs anyway, so I know she’ll be safe.

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  7. I have several appointments this month that, at one time, seemed so far off in the future. Now it seems like a cluster of risk. Good to hear you had good PPE experiences with yours.

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  8. You’re the second person I know who has had a root canal during this time of self-quarantining. This, of course, means you’re one lucky duck– but it is interesting to learn about how these procedures are going on. I cancelled all my doc appointments until next fall, so *fingers crossed* I’ll survive in one piece until then. Like they used to say, life’s a beach. For you literally of course.

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    1. Lucky duck indeed, Amy. It was a disheartening blow to get that tooth pain when I literally had just completed all of my doctor visit requirements. I can’t get a test, but I’m being tested in other ways, I guess. Stay well…

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  9. Hi Marty, Even Paul Newman would not look like Paul Newman two months into a Pandemic.

    Darn, on the dental pain. You may have heard of the phrase “universal precautions.” Every patient is treated as if infected and of course, we don’t infect the patient. I have always felt we were Uber cautious in the dental environment and we should be.

    It sounds like you received good advice, great care and you are back on the road again for another twelve months, or 10,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. Take care!

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  10. I’m going to re-use the Checkpoint-Charlie reference for sure. I took my SIL for her annual (doctors here opened back up this week), and yes, that is exactly how it was. Also, we were yelled at to “stay on the X” when we got off the elevator to leave, but the checkpoint was active with incoming. We had to wait in line to leave the building! Ah well, a learning experience for sure.

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  11. Good to know the docs were doing everything in their power to keep you safe. My annual dental checkup has been cancelled until further notice, but I do have an eye dr. visit scheduled for the end of May. Not sure how I feel about that after hearing the virus can enter through the eyes. 😳

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    1. I don’t blame you. Why push it? Since I posted this, my regular dentist called because now they want to re-do the crown under which the root canal was performed. I’m in no pain at all at the moment, and I’m inclined to just wait on that.

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  12. Crikey! Root canal at a time like this? You’ve my sympathies. Not a fun experience at the best of times, but this must’ve made it positively surreal. Glad you’re both all squared away medically for a while now. I’ve a surgical follow-up due shortly, but expect it’ll be postponed or be moved online. My surgeon is a self-confessed techno-numpty, so that’ll be an entertaining experience for us both. I’m reasonably adept now having had a couple of virtual physio appointments, but at least we’ll not have to remember to avoid shaking hands (which we failed at the last time we met) 😀

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    1. Yes, I seem to have gotten past all this nonsense. Though, I did have to return to the my original dentist once again for him to look over the crown (all clear) and put in a filling over the root canal work. Ugh. If I get through all this closeness somehow, it’ll be a miracle.

      I do hope you can delay your own follow-up if possible. And, yes, no hand-shaking. Head nodding only!


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