I Believe I Said, “SHALL WE GO TO DINNER NOW?!!!!!”

Source: Shakesville.com

If you’re not careful, having a spouse who’s hard of hearing is sort of like being on a permanent first date. There are moments when you both stare at one another, one afraid to admit they can’t hear you, and the other too polite to point it out.

The key word here is politeness. Unlike, say, my propensity in failing to put the butter back in the fridge every morning, browbeating someone over an impairment is cruel and pointless (I would say the same about the butter, but I suspect I won’t get much in the way of fellowship here). So with kindness and patience, we repeat quite a bit in our home. And remember to talk slightly louder too.

Gorgeous got her first pair of hearing aids four years ago. They were an in-ear model bought literally at the 11th hour, in the waning days of December, just as were about to switch over to a new insurance plan. The newer coverage did not offer as generous of a hearing aid benefit. I wanted to make sure she got the more generous benefit before the year ended.

For an entire day after her second appointment, she looked at me with utter contempt because she had to suffer through a most uncomfortable fitting in order to get a correct mold made of her ear canals. It was a scary procedure, and as far as she was concerned all fault lay with your humble blogger.

However, once the new hearing aids arrived, and fit snugly into each of her ears, she was earnestly happy. The devices were smartly hidden from view where no one could see them. And as a special bonus, she could now hear all of my Important Words (just like the president, I use the absolute best).

December 2015. Nothing Here to See!

Fast forward to 2019…

Did you know that hearing aids only have a lifespan of about three to seven years? In fact, the in-ear models tend to last only four to five years. I’ve got sneakers older than that.

In the last few months Gorgeous started to notice that she was again struggling to hear some of the dialogue on TV shows; I in turn observed a familiar refrain of, “Huh? What?” in our interactions.

Unable to solve the problem by cleaning the devices as she had been taught, she called a local franchise of the hearing aid company (we had since moved away from the one where her set had been purchased). The woman who answered the phone — whom we later learned was the office receptionist — proceeded to talk Gorgeous through some additional cleaning steps.

Gently twist off the upper cap.”

Okay. ..oh, dear...

You know how sometimes you just get a feeling? This was one of those moments. Apparently more than just the upper cap was twisted off.


A day later we found ourselves in the office of this local dealer. The now chagrined receptionist arranged with the audiologist to have the hearing aid sent back to the manufacturer for repair free of charge. And as long as we were there, they also looked over the non-damaged hearing aid and made some fixes to it.

More questions for you: did you know that May is Hearing Aid Awareness Month? And by chance, did you also know the best time to buy new hearing aids just also happens to be during the month of May?!

I bet you know where this is heading. There are tons of promotions, price reductions, and manufacturer rebates during the month of May.

There are also now quite a few more options and styles than there were four years ago. And like a psychic in a crystal shop (trust me, it’s very similar to a kid in a candy store), Gorgeous was soon tantalized by all the new offerings.

I’m convinced now that the receptionist gets a cut for every hearing aid she can break over the phone by unsuspecting customers.

After being given a hearing test that showed a minor increase in hearing loss, we looked at several new models over three different price categories. Best of all, behind-the-ear configurations have improved to such a degree that it made sense to switch from the in-ear model, both from a comfort standpoint and a technological one.

Summer 2019. Behind the Ear and Pleased About It.

Gorgeous would no longer have an uncomfortable device sticking in her ear, plus a degree of vanity is offered if she wears her hair down. Win/win.

As luck would have it, we are now back on the same previous health insurance coverage that we had previously. The reimbursement amount is thankfully still fairly generous, and so this inspired my lovely bride to go for that higher price category. [1]

The higher quality device offers more bells and whistles. For the model Gorgeous chose, it means additional “pre-sets” that allow a user to switch auditory settings based on an activity or the physical environment in which one find themself (i.e. phone calls, movie theater, restaurants, grocery store, TV viewing, etc.).

You change to a pre-set simply by clicking on a button on the back of one of the devices. Each one is broadcast in a quiet voice that whispers “TV,” “Restaurant,” etc.

I’m now worried that there might also be one that whispers “Husband.”

So the same day her damaged hearing aid was sent for repair, she ordered new ones. Once again, we’re doing our small part in keeping this fragile economy stimulated. She had to go about a week with only wearing one hearing aid, but on the day we returned to the dealer she received both her new pair, and also the older one now repaired.

The old pair can be used as a back-up set.

We are indeed fortunate that we can afford the luxury of not only advanced hearing aids, but also in having that back-up set. It’s frustrating to know that Original Medicare does not have hearing aid coverage, and that only a percentage of Advantage plans do. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, 48 million Americans suffer from some form of hearing impairment.

Until next time…

  [1]An early retirement, pre-Medicare enrollment lesson I’ve learned over the last five years: don’t take shortcuts on health insurance. For two years I enrolled us in “adequate” coverage to save a few shekels, but we are now back on a full coverage plan. If you possibly can, go for the best health plan that you can afford.

23 thoughts on “I Believe I Said, “SHALL WE GO TO DINNER NOW?!!!!!”

  1. For me so timely. I’m on a trial period with a set and not as happy as Gorgeous. I suspect my hearing isn’t bad enough for me to embrace them. I find that I can hear blinkers, lawn equipment, air handlers, machinery and a bunch of other things I don’t want to hear much better but when it comes to people I’m still asking “what?” just not as much. I go for my first adjustments this week. We’ll see. I find that I prefer the rock concert mode which blocks some of the peripheral noise but does not provide any weed smells. I’ll be posting when I get a better grip (on aids, not on life).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those early adjustments are pretty important. Gorgeous had, I think, about four weekly adjustment visits for this pair, and we’ll go back again in the fall for another.

      The good news for you, Kate, is that you probably got to this early then. The longer you wait, and the worse your hearing becomes, the harder it ultimately becomes to find that “perfect” pair that will work for you. Also, we learned from this audiologist that nothing helps spur the advancement of dementia than hearing loss (in hearing people, the brain has a dependence on hearing to function properly).

      No weed smells. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You are kinder than I am. I’m learning, but have a way to go in the accommodation of a hearing-impaired loved one.

    I’m curious to know why the lifespan of the units is so short? Are there micro-moving parts? Or is this planned obsolescence?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the lifespan is probably a bit of both issues, Maggie. The parts are obviously used every day, plus maintenance is important to get rid of any residue (i.e. ear wax) that can affect performance. But, yeah, I also suspect these companies want to see you return again within the decade. The audiologist said that the particular model Gorgeous chose she thinks will go for hopefully eight to ten years with some part replacements. So that’s encouraging.


  3. I am on the road to hearing aids. I’m sure of it, so I shall think of this post as a PSA. I’ve learned about two worlds I’ll soon be entering– hearing aids and Medicare. Oh joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, Ally, this has been an interesting odyssey to say the least. I’m still five years away from Medicare, but I have an older sister who asks for my help regularly with it. So I’m learning ahead of time, which I guess is a good thing.

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  4. I just joined that club a few months ago. My hearing loss is just in one ear and due to a problem with my stapes (that occurred years ago). CERTAINLY NOT BECAUSE I’M OLD! I had been thinking about getting hearing aids for a while, but, when I learned that my insurance covered them 100%, I went for it. It’s amazing how far the technology has come. I’m pretty sure all the cool kids will want snazzy, blue tooth-enabled hearing aids now! (Also, great advice regarding getting the best health care plans one can afford.)


    1. The blue tooth function was an option she turned down. I forget what the cost was; I think it was pretty nominal in the grand scheme of things. It can be added later if she wants, and I think she might like it for playing tunes at the gym. Good on you, Janis, for having an insurance plan that’s so generous with hearing aids. You are a cool kid!

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  5. I recognized (all too well) the opening scenes of this post. Not hearing me is now not longer the only problem. My husband now guesses at our conversation. Still, he continues to maintain that his hearing is fine and my voice is simply low! 🙂 Denial – it’s a very interesting thing! So glad Gorgeous is now hearing well in a very stylish manner!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed, Donna, denial is tough to overcome. It took me a good long while to get her to face the loss of some hearing. The good news is that once it’s recognized, they do tend to be quite earnest in the the technology available. My bet is that Richard will come around eventually. 😏

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  6. Good information to share. My only experience with hiring aids was my MIL years ago, and she hated them. Refused to wear them after awhile. I think hubby will be in them before me; he has high end loss already from years of machinery use before anyone learned about the issues. Now, he wears his ear plugs when mowing the lawn! I’ll have to watch to see when he begins to ask me to repeat what I’m saying too often. Or turns up the TV louder. Probably the second… he could care less what I’m saying most of the time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Comfort does appear to be a strong motivator, Pat. I know Gorgeous was beginning to complain about how the in-ear ones felt just prior to when she started to have problems with them. That might have been your MIL’s problem too. Hopefully your hubby will be proactive about this when the time comes. 🙂

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  7. My heart goes out to the both of you when reading your introduction, Marty. Two people who obviously care a great deal about each other:) Not easy being polite all the time:)

    An informative and interesting post on hearing loss and hearing aids. I often forget people are wearing hearing aids because the aids are not visible.

    Now, is there Medicare coverage for……….Selective Hearing?!

    btw Gorgeous is truly Gorgeous🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Erica! Yeah, the devices have certainly gotten smaller and easier to hide if one chooses that option (probably somewhat easier for women than men, I suppose). They’re also very techie, again if one wants such options.

      Selective hearing is always there, free of all costs. 🙂

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  8. Reading through your back catalogue, this one caught my eye as my other half suffered some hearing loss during his early years working with explosives. Our first date – which lasted all day – ended with us having dinner in a crowded pub. He only told me later how little he could hear of our conversation over that dinner but luckily was already smitten by then 🙂

    My mother hopes to move to the US to live with my sister. Thanks for the head-up, I shall have them them factor in cover for hearing aids to the medical insurance she selects.

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  9. I think it’s great – all the technological upgrades to hearing aids. Soon they’ll have ones that can be adjusted by an app on your phone (if they don’t already). So much better than the ones my mom had to use while she was living. Good to know in case I ever need some!


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  10. You liked one of my comments so I thought I’d drop by and check out your blog. By coincidence (Karma?) I too find myself having difficulty hearing. Saw an ENT after being tested by my primary dr. and they put me in this booth with headphones. “Some hearing loss, but probably age-related.” Riight… which explains why I still can’t make out dialogue on the t.v. sitting 5 ft. away, OR, understand what my BIL is saying 2 ft. from me at a table in a restaurant. No hearing aids… Your wife is fortunate indeed, and I totally agree with your position on purchasing health insurance. Years ago, I went cheap and then my husband needed lung surgery. Not good…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What it is Art Linkletter once said? Aging is not for sissy’s? My wife has fantastic hearing aids, but she still struggles. It’s just “maintenance” in the end, no matter how much money one can throw at it. Many thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂


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